Q1 daily log
* class introductions, policies and overview. Introduction to scientific investigation activity.
8-31 *we started the "Observation/Inference" Activity by observing three unusual items. 5th period received books, all have a syllabus 9-1 *Completed the "Observation/Inference" Activity and discussed the "explanations " to them all, everyone has books 9-2 *Safety discussion using the "cartoon" and reviewing the county safety policy, discussion of the Scientific Method as a never-ending process. 9-7/8 *Discussion of first lab activity on allelopathy *Divide into groups and design an experiment to test a hypothesis you come up with to test why you think the bird seeds that fell by the marigolds did not grow. 9-10 *met in your lab groups to set-up the seed allelopathy experiment. 9-13 *collect data from your seed lab. Begin the last part of the lab write-up: graph your data, a result paragraph and a conclusion. 9-15 *Presentation/discussion: The 6 Steps to Designing an Experiment" *think of how to redesign your seed lab 9-16 *meet in your groups to redesign your seed lab for set-up tomorrow. 9-17 *met in groups to redesign the seed lab and set it up. Some groups had more corrections to do and did not set it all up yet, so Monday will be alotted to set up and data collection. 9-20 *groups collected data or completed seed lab set-up. 9-21 *Introduction to the special properties of water, video with questions 9-22 *Class discussion and Powerpoint on Water 9-23 *Collect data on your seed lab or if you already collected data, work on the graph, result and conclusion. 9-24 Quiz and then work on the lab write up along with the 4 questions from the water presentation..they are at the end of the powerpoint on water. 9-27 *notes/discussion on the importance of Carbon 9-28 * discussion on Carbohydrates 9-29 *lipids presentation 9-30 *protein ppt 10-1 Started review activity of dehydration synthesis reactions of carbohydrates,. lipids and proteins. *no class pd 6 due to pep rally 10-4 *Dehydration reaction practice for Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins....classwork activity 10-5 *Complete dehydration activity if needed *Pre-lab for the Organic molecules lab thurs/fri 10-6 *pre-lab demo and questions top prepare for lab Meet in room 224 thurs/fri 10-7/10-8 *Testing for Nutrients lab 10-11 * Overview of what to turn in tomorrow's lab book due date *Nutrient label activity: gather data from 10 food labels...handout under "handouts" . 10-12 *Nutrient testing Quiz *work on Nutrient label activity 10-13 * Begin enzymes presentation *turn in food label activity 10-14 *complete enzymes *pre-lab for enzyme lab monday 10-18 * Potato catalase lab; each group tested on condition ( temp. pH, or substrate concentration) data was shared for the class. 10-19 * overview of Vitamins, mineral and Nucleic acids 10-20/21 *Macromolecules Webquest in media center, meet in media center thurs. 10-22 *start reviewing for the Q1 assessment *vocab. practice 10-25 *Assessment review 10-26 Assessment review 10-27 *Introduction to the microscope: types, use, parts 10-28 Q1 Assessment |
*Class policies signed, "about me" shield due wed....don't forget to use color. * class policy signed, complete your "get to know you" shield *class policy signed, making sure you completed the Obervation/inference activity and at the bottom of that paper is an assignment to do on separate paper about making an observation around your house and then inferring. * Textbook: read chapter 1 and do the questions on pg. 24 on separate paper and in complete sentences, get a quad ruled composition book as a lab book *think about the lab design. You must have it ready in your lab book by Friday. Hypothesis, materials, procedure and a data table. * No HW...rest and get caught up. Need a lab book asap. I may have a few to sell from the sci. dept. for $ 1.15 * Lab book to be checked for data chart, graph, results and conclusion. *Address the 6 steps of designing an experiment in your lab book. You need to address how that condition was satisfied with your idea/lab and then address what you will do next for the improved lab. Example: Control- we used water as the control to compare how the marigold material affected the safflower seed growth. New design- water will still be the control - have lab book ready to set up your "redo" allelopathy seed lab *No specific HW today, be sure your lab book is up to date,it will be collected after the seed lab is complete Due tomorrow: Experimental design worksheet Due Thursday: Chemistry chapter study sheets Friday: QUIZ ( safety, observation/inference, scientific method) * see above *Chemistry worksheets due Friday: QUIZ ( safety, observation/inference, scientific method) * Study for your quiz...see above * lab book due with all of what we have done so far. See "handouts" and the one labeled lab book check list 9-24 *Pg. 54 #1-6 *none, finish the cracker/pasta tasting activity as explained on the ppt *none: finish the Venn diagram comparing saturated and unsaturated lipids *pg. 59 #1-6 *none.....pd 6....turn in pg. 59 on monday *complete the activity (pd5) *pd 6 ( complete all but one section to do tomorrow) Pre-lab questions and charts on handout from class...all entered in your lab book. You can cut and paste the charts only. Pre-lab: write a purpose and the procdures in your lab book Report to room 224 thurs/fri . *due Tuesday: lab book with the write-up for the nutrient testing lab, rubric given in class...work on it over the weekend and come with questions monday. *Tues: lab quiz: 4 or 5 questions based only on the lab * If you didn't finish the 10 labels...do it tonight * lab book due tomorrow: Nutrient testing lab and 3-5 question lab quiz *Nutrient labels activity due...yes, all of it! *none *pre-lab worksheet to be entered in your lab book; set-up the lab for monday..directions on lab procedure * Work on the lab write-up; see your procedure paper that is also found in the "handouts" section. data, graphs, results and conclusion for ALL 3 conditions. Due wed.. * Lab book due tomorrow with enzyme lab...see above * Chapter 49 worksheet due Monday...start now Q1 assessment 10-28 *Chapter 49 worksheet *start reviewing for the Q1 assessment *Your group's section of the review to share with class * review for Q1 assessment on 10-28 * study for assessment thurs. *pg. 84-85 summarize the story due friday * see above; word search for extra points |