*complete the webquest if not done
*Enter into lab book the part of the lab completed today
*Diagram of a microscope with all parts labeled ( use notesheet), can be'
hand drawn or cut and pasted...on a new page in lab booik for a check on wed.
*Enter work into your lab book
*glue in grading rubric for the mixcroscope lab, coomplete lab to turn in lab book on Monday.
*Sketch of classroom with all of the safety equipment
*Chapter 4 worksheet
*Friday: microscope use and function Quiz
Conclusion to activity: on the sheet from class
*venn diagram comparing prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
* Three organelles completed in the booklet. If you choose to do them on the computer, print out those three. Available under handouts...organelle booklet and booklet description.
*pre-lab on cell lab sheets: what the lab is calling Part A with the plant and animal diagrams to label and the following three questions.
* Microscope Quiz tomorrow
*wed: three more organelles completed...all or none for the HW check.
Work on organelle booklet
Conclusion to coacervate lab entered in lab book
4 more organelles in booklet
Cell lab not due yet, don't forget sketches need to be in color
*Checked for 4 more Organelle packet entries
*HW: Ideal cell model drawn, color, cut...ready to glue together or glue it at home
*Cell lab and Coacervate activity due tomorrow
*12-3 organelle packet due
* Cell membrane reading with questions and color coding
*checking the "Bubble" entry
* Organelle booklet due friday.....cell test 12-7
*Lab book entry on diffusion/osmosis
* We finished 2 of the 4 activities....entered in lab book
*organelle booklet due friday
*Have the transport paper lab ready to get checked in lab book
*organelle booklet due. Cell test moved to 12-8
* pre-lab entered in your lab book: Title, purpose, Hypothesis,
prediction chart and the 6 definitions.
* no HW....study for the test wed. ( cell notes, homeostasis lab, cell lab,
bubble activity, ideal cell shape, organelles- you can use the booklet)
Study for the test tomorrow...see above.
Lab book will be due Friday!
*Crossword puzzle
*work on the Gummy Bear write-up due friday
*lab book due...rubric given in class
* dialysis quick lab paper
* Paragraph comparison of aerobic vs anaerobic respiration
*pg. 138 1-6 in complete sentences
*read the respiration lab we are starting tomorrow
*Complete all of part A...data, analysis, graph
TWIZ: 12-22 in cell membrane, transport and cellular respiration
* Complete the entire yeast respiration lab to turn in tomorrow
TWIZ: 12-22 in cell membrane, transport and cellular respiration
*the worksheets on cell membrane and transport
*TWIZ moved to wed. on cell membrane, transport and cellular respiration
* finish webquest for review...not collected
*Photosynthesis reading with questions and color coding diagram due wed. 1-5
* See above and bring in a leaf for the chromatography if you want.
*Lab entry in lab book: chromatogram labeled, questions, title, data objectives
pg. 120 #1-6
*compelete the photosynthesis Gozmo worksheet and do the paragragh entry in your lab book : Title: Light and Photosynthesis
Write a paragraph describing what color and wavelengths of light are necessary for
photosynthesis. How do you know? Explain why these are important (what thelight
energy waves doing?) Also, include why plants appear green and why this is important
* Complete the Gizmo and Begin midterm review
* pd 5 complete if no school wed.
*pd 6 had no class. Do the human body chart found under GT handouts Q2 and
bring it to our next class.
*Lab book : chromatography lab and photo. hw
*Body systems activity
*work on practice questions and go over review sheets
*complete rest of practice questions, study
*don't forget the visual vocabulary powerpoints under GT Handouts and the
Q1 and Q2 review powerpoints under HSA preparation...all of these are perfect for studying!
Daily log
11-8/9 Cell Membrane structure notes 11-10/11 * Cell transport notes *set-up lab 1 part B and C 11-12/ 15 * collect data for 1B and C. Do part A and E. All questions and graphs due next class 11-16/ 17 * Review lab 1 and do practice questions 11-18/11-19 *lab exam *complete cell signaling notes 11-22 and 11-23 *Go over Lab 1 test *Go over cell membrane review sheet 11-29/30 *review for test on cell membrane, transport, communication *Intro to cellular respiration 12-1 * respiration re-enforcement activities 12-2 and 12-3 *cell membrane test *talk about lab 5 12-6 and 7 *lab 5 using crickets or superworms 12-8 *Review respiration : worksheets and web lab 12-9/10 * go over Lab 5 *lab bench lab 5 for practice *review 12-13/14 * Lab 5 Test *Anaerobic vs aerobic notes *review of respiration: classwork handouts 12-15/16 *notes on Photosynthesis *discuss part 1 of the photosynthesis lab 12-17 *Photosynthesis lab part of part A....extract pigment, run the chromatogram, measure and record data. 12-20 *review for test (worksheets) *extract and purify pigment 12-21 *test *isolate each pigment and analyze 12-22 *test *run chromatogram 12-23 B-day and 1-3 A-day *analysis of pigments 1-4 *review of photosynthesis : questions *share data from last class *discuss lab 4B to do next class 1-5 and 1-6 * do photosynthesis lab 4B 1-7 and 1-10 Review all of lab 4 Review concepts of photosynthesis 1-11/1-12 Photosynthesis lab exam Midterm review 1-13/1-14 Reviewing for the midterm...questions posted under Q2 handouts |
Lab 1 Pre-lab questions to be entered in lab book
Pd. 4B: online quizzes, chapter 6,7 and cell membrane model * Pd.4B: quizzes for chapter 6,7 *All questions and graphs due for lab 1 next class Going over lab next class after I check you work Lab test the following class; 4B 11-18 and 4A 11- 19 Lab test, HW cell Membrane review/study sheets Cell membrane and transport worksheets lab book to turn in next class *no HW...work on Anatomy packet *Cell membrane and transport test 12-2/3 *Study for test 4A 12-2, 4B 12-3....don't forget the nervous system info.\ *study for test *Pre-lab handout for lab 5 into lab book *Complete all of the requirements for the lab. *lab book check for the lab bench activity chapter 9 on-line quiz *lab exam *post lab entry for lab 5 *Chapter 9 online quiz *vocab. for Photosynthesis * Types of photosynthesis HW sheet * Mini unit test 12-21 and 12-22: cellular respiration * Mini unit test 12-21 and 12-22: cellular respiration *study *answer part A questions is lab book No HW...Happy Break! *Complete all of 4A: data tables, sketch of TLC with pigments and measurements, questions from the lab book and questions from the supplement sheet., absorption spectra data and graphs *pre-lab for 4B * all of the data, graphs, questions for part 4B Post lab entries for 4A and 4B; separate entries Lab 4 test next class Reminder: Q2 lab book due exam day GO RAVENS Lab book due exam day Study for midterms *study! *Lab book due day of midterm |